Welcome to
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
We are a community alive with the Good News of Jesus Christ, celebrating joyfully together, and reaching out in justice and love to share our faith with the world.

Mission Statement
In communion with the Holy Father, our Bishop,
and the teachings of the Universal Church;
we, the members of St. Vincent de Paul Parish,
are a community of hope and joy,
renewed each time we celebrate the Eucharist,
the reason for our existence and the source of our growth.
Welcome Visitors
and New Parishioners!
New parishioners are encouraged to fill out a parishioner registration form in the foyer or download the form here and return it to the parish office or simply drop in the collection basket.
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
4:00 pm - 4:40 pm
Or by appointment
Please call the parish office to register for an upcoming Baptism Prep course. Parents are welcome to attend the class before the arrival of your child. Please read all the important information you need to know about Baptism under the "Sacraments" tab, prior to calling to register. Thank you.
Children aged 3 - 6 are invited to attend Children's Liturgy. They will hear the gospel at their level, have prayer time, music and crafts. They are called forward after the opening prayer and return during the offertory.
Children are also invited up to the altar to play rhythm instruments to the final song!
With your help we strive to be a scent free church! Many of our parishioners suffer from adverse affects to scents from perfumes, lotions, after shave products, essential oils, etc. We appreciate you refraining from the use of scented products when attending St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you !